15 Essential things to carry for Alaska


Alaska is a dream place for many travelers and everyone starts planning their Alaska trip months ahead. We have recently been to Alaska to spend some time with nature and see wildlife. As now we are back we would like to share our experience with you all so that you can enjoy and experience Alaska at its best.

Here is the list for 15 essentials things you should carry for Alaska.

1. Alaska Map
Alaska is vast and wild nature always restrict the technology and networks. As it is difficult to take help from mobile networks and especially for maps, one need to carry a hard copy of Alaska map to visit planned destinations and save time to surf the internet.
Tip** – You can also save Offline Google Map of Alaska but do not completely rely on it.

2. Carry loose cash
When we visited Alaska I remember there were a few shops who only accept cash.
These days plastic money is accessible everywhere but it is a concern if a proper network is not available and Alaska is one of them. So keep some cash in your pocket.

3. Backpack
When you traveling to Alaska, it simply means an adventurous and wild trip. If we travel to such places we surely always carry our needed things along with us anywhere we visit because things are very limited to such remote areas.

When we traveled to Alaska, I took a backpack with me instead of any trolley bad or side bag. It was helpful for me since it was very lightweight and very spacious to keep things all I needed. The places we visited there, it used to take minimum 6-7 hours to explore and no food availability. We carried all our snacks, clothes, gadgets and many more in our backpack. Backpacks are meant to be travelers since they are lightweight and waterproof.

4. Waterproof and Hiking Shoes
One of the days when we were out to visit a place in Alaska, it was raining badly till mid of the day but after that, it was quite warm and sunny.
Alaska is all about hiking and mountaining. The weather of Alaska is completely unpredictable since it keeps changing in every few hours.
Even if it is not raining and you planning to visit near water bodies still one should carry waterproof shoes because the water is so chilled even in summers. And you never know if you want to jump in water just to have fun. 😀

5. Rainproof Jackets Ski pants and Gloves
Including humans rain also loves Alaska. It rains almost 2– days out of 365 days of the year. One must carry rainproof jackets, pants and gloves as obviously it protects from rain also helps to keep your body warm.

6. Hiking sticks
You always need hiking sticks for mountaining as it helps to keep the body balanced on steep ground and hike higher.

7. Emergency flashlight
Although there is 24/7 daylight in summers at Alaska. But it is always good being a bit extra prepared for wild nature trips. So you can carry one emergency flashlight because there are few places which are very dense and dark also sometimes it is helpful to give an indication if you are in some emergency.

8. Binoculars
If you love wildlife watching, one should definitely carry binoculars. Yes, wildlife in Alaska is everywhere but it is not right next to you. You cannot have an idea where you see it whether on high mountains or on an island in the ocean.

We went to Alaska without binoculars and soon realized that I should have brought one. We were in Seward to visit the Glacier and watch wildlife by cruise. After boarding the cruise I remembered binoculars and regretted. But fortunately, the cruise family was offering binoculars on rent on a decent price and I rented one from there. It was really fun to watch cute puffins, seals, whales and bald eagles.

9. Sunglasses
If you visiting Alaska, I am sure you will have plans to visit Glaciers too. You really need sunglasses when you visit glaciers. Sunrays when reflects glaciers ice, it shines like a diamond which is a bit sharp to see from naked eyes.
From my personal experience, I tried to see it with my naked eyes but I could not see for more than 30 seconds.
So carry your sunglasses surely.

10. Sunscreen
Keep sunscreen to avoid skin tanning.

11. Bugs spray
Keep bugs and insects far away if you are planning to go for long and deep trails.

12. Bear bells
If you visiting a place to watch wildlife like bears in open place without safety, so do not forget to keep bear bells as they do not come near if they listen to sounds.

Tip** – In case you forget to carry any safety precautions as I mentioned above, you can make noises from own or play loud music in your phone also be alert and keep looking around of any movements. It helps!!

13. Bluetooth speaker
If you love music, carry a speaker to enjoy the music with nature and cool nights.

14. Powerbank
Today every one wants to capture amazing pictures and selfies on their phones and cameras. But never know when a battery will retire. To lock your views on cameras and mobiles and keep battery always on do not forget to keep power bank.

15. First Aid kit
Carry first aid kit also, you can keep body pain killers/spray. In case if you are a cold patient like me so do not forget to keep it in your bag.

16. Food restrictions
I want to include one additional point as a tip for food. In case you are nonmeat eater or specific to your food in terms of dieting or restrictions so, you must carry your food with you.

Hope you find this helpful and also comment below if you have anything else as Essential for Alaska.