Fragrance Color Everywhere

Everybody is so joyful that spring season is arriving. Spring is simply fun and let out all winter coziness. A time where we pack our sweaters and throw it in one corner of the house and say Good-bye to winters. With the daylight saving turned on, evenings are more longer, sky is more of brighter and ground is full with vibrant flowers. The nature is so beautiful that I felt to write few lines about it. Read it and enjoy it.

Happy Easter and Happy Spring season!!!





“Fragrance color everywhere,
Wherever I go beautiful colors are there.

It is the month of March and April spring is coming
Brown December and black January are now going.

New born green leaves and colorful flowers,
Bring happiness and blessings always showers.

God has given all colors to nature,
And flowers are the most beautiful creature.

The fresh white blossom and charming red rose,
They always attract every nose.

White stands for hopes and goodness,
Indicates purity and simplicity to us.

Yellow is a sign of friendful and cheerful,
And be optimistic for life like bull.

Pretty pink stands for beauty, love, faithful and romance,
Great combination of fairies, flowers and a woman glance.

Blue stands for strength, trust, confidence and be professional,
Which orders to take your job and work defensible.

Red indicates passionate, exciting, youthful but also daring and danger,
Which stops the every vehicle on traffic light and also a Christmas painter.

And the last is the symbol of health and wealth,
Which shows a path of growth in life,

Always gets you peace and calm in routine,
The forever soothing color called as Green.

The spring has arrived and flowers are coming out.
Admire the sunny days and go for beautiful hangout.”


Photographs clicked by: Anshul Rohilla