A Salad a Day

In this 21st Century, life is a race where everyone is trying to win with the help of science and technology. But everyone is somewhere trail behind in their own health, which I believe is the most important thing. It is so damn hard to control water from our tongue when we see yummy food like Pizza, donuts, chats, parathas, chips and many more in market.

But health is most precious thing which we cannot either buy or sell, no matter how much we are earning. It is so essential that our body machinery should work properly so we can work, play, enjoy with family, travel places, eat and wear whatever we like.

I observed that people look at their bodies only when they either loosing or gaining weight.

Now, the question is.. Do really weight matters for good and healthy body?
Answer is No.

Although where mostly people just concentrate on the Digit of weight, here I would like to suggest that the machinery of the body should work properly in terms of the level/number of proteins, vitamins, cholesterol, hemoglobin, sugar, carbohydrates and iron.

I would like to recommend all that every human on this planet earth should eat one salad meal a day. Preferred time is daytime not in late evening or night so it will be helpful to digest completely for body.

Salad is a food which is not just healthy but colorful and contains a natural taste of vegetable and fruits. These days people are so packed with their schedules that they end up saying “No Time” for health. So, here is Salad, a food which really does not take much of a time, although you need to chop vegetables/fruits and just eat it of course.



For some who are staying out of town or without families are restricted to cook, for them this is the best preferred food.

The reason of this suggestion is obviously there are unlimited benefits. And below are mentioned few:

1. A Natural Source of Fiber
Your leafy greens and raw veggies are a superb source of natural fiber, and consuming enough fiber each day has several health advantages:
Fiber helps to reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol. It helps to control blood sugar. Adequate fiber intake helps with weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.

2. Nutritional Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
The idea that fresh vegetables and fruits are essential to our good health and well-being
Lower blood pressure Reduce risk of heart disease and stroke Prevent types of cancer Lower risk of eye and digestive problems

3. Load up on Salads for Weight Control
Eating a fiber-rich salad before your entrée will help you to feel full faster, so you’ll consume less calories than you might when a meal is served without this appetizer.

4. A Daily Salad Will Aid Your Intake of Healthy Fats
Couple of tablespoons of mixed raw or roasted seeds like pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and ground flax or chia to boost your daily intake of good fats. Experimenting with different kinds of oil in your dressings will help with this also it will give different taste.
It helps to absorb all of the protective compounds, phytochemicals, and lutein.

5. Build Strong Bones
Daily serving of 1 cup watercress (100%), radicchio (120%) or spinach (170%) is best for healthy bone growth. This is recommended specially for women.

6. Protect Your Peepers
The carotenoids found in the green leaves like spinach, Romaine and Red Lettuce help the eyes to adjust from bright to dark, and to filter out high intensity light levels, protecting them from the formation of damaging free radicals.

7. Improve Muscle Performance
Everybody remembers Popeye’s meal and secret of his muscles. And off course, the nutrients found in spinach is the best to build strong bones.

8. Protect Your Heart
Romaine lettuce contains two key nutrients in significant levels that help to protect the heart muscle.

9. Improves Skin Tone
This is something for girls! So here we go…. 😛
The high levels of water found in salad veggies improves hydration in our bodies, which is necessary for youthful skin tone and various basic bodily functions.


Ingredients you will need for Salad:

Well! You can use anything raw in vegetables and fruits to make your salad, but here are few which are best to have everyday, easily available and common in every country:


All types of Berries

There are many options available to dress your salad like:
Dry fruits
Raw or roasted seeds
Shredded cheese of your choice

To Sprinkle**  – Lemon, salt, pepper. Can add even more as you like…

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I hope this information will be useful for all my readers and follow it as I do… 🙂

“Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy, Stay Fit”
